I read through the blog posts and one in particular stood out to me because it was prefaced with this picture:
Also because the post, due to its google translated nature, referred to Ms. Marie Antoinette Perry with he pronouns which made her story seem a bit more interesting. She was such a big influence on the Broadway culture and I had never even heard of her before. To have the awards of the industry named after you would be such a big honor.
The first post of the blog really resonated with me though, about the fifty percent love. I really feel like that philosophy is what I admire about the people I look up to. Their ability to give their all for almost no reason. It just seems worth it to them, but I wonder if its also a bit of low self esteem on their part too. Like they feel they don't deserve better and fifty percent is all they're capable of receiving. I hope they can grow out of or learn to get out of such a mentality for their own sake.
I know that all sounds a bit contradictory, but overall that post really honors people who try their hardest no matter what and it really is a good quality that anyone could have. I wasn't able to find that much about the source material aside from this blog, which is disappointing because it does seem interesting. Though, if we're being honest, the real thing would probably make me angry because someone like that deserves everything good in the world.